Please feel free to browse through our stock list and if you cannot find the vehicle that suits your requirements, please subscribe to our mailing list and we will endeavour to locate you a suitable vehicle through our extensive list of contacts.
Being centrally located and offering a friendly and efficient service we are achieving a fast growing reputation for a high level of customer satisfaction. At Junction 6 we use our knowledge and experience of the commercial vehicle industry to supply vehicles to the exact needs and specification of our customers. With our extensive on site workshop and bodyshop facilities we are able to modify, adapt and refurbish all types of commercial vehicles.
Junction 6 is a large exporter of commercial vehicles, with customers in many worldwide destinations. Junction 6 are here to make the purchase of your next vehicle as simple and hassle free as possible wherever you are. We can arrange delivery to the relevant shipping line within the UK, arrange documentation and provide insurance cover until the vehicle arrives at its final destination, thus providing you with complete piece of mind.
Junction 6 Commercials have been working in partnership with well established asset/vehicle finance companies throughout our long period of operation. We can put you in touch with experienced brokers who will help you get finance in place for the purchase of your next used vehicle. These companies can offer Hire Purchase, Lease Purchase, Finance Lease, Operating Lease and other purchasing options. To discuss this or to be put in touch with a recommended broker, please contact the sales team on 0121 326 6950.
At Junction 6 we are constantly striving to source quality used commercial vehicles. Payment subject to all paperwork being present, including Registration document, logbook, plating certificate, test certificate (if applicable) and invoice, plus VAT if applicable. Payment will be made by bankers draft to the person name or company name on a valid VAT invoice.
Reviews (7)
Piotr Bochenek
May 26, 2022
Customer service - excellent Quality of used vehicles (2015 reg) - very poor We have purchased 3 vehicles with few months, each one of them advertised as ABSOLUTELLY LOVELY CONDITION and we soon find out that the average repair bill was almost 4000.00 each and one getting to 10k with potential head gasket gone. The PMI report provided isn't worth the paper it is written on as it shows no issues.
Only when you take the vehicle to an independent garage the list of faults makes your eyes pop out. I would personally steer away from these vehicles as they are of very questionable quality. I would stick to main dealer - you will pay couple of grand more but the first PMI won't break your bank.
Only when you take the vehicle to an independent garage the list of faults makes your eyes pop out. I would personally steer away from these vehicles as they are of very questionable quality. I would stick to main dealer - you will pay couple of grand more but the first PMI won't break your bank.
Vladislav Savva
Apr 19, 2022
Connor Smith
Nov 13, 2021
We phoned today about two MAN tractor units and told they were available. So we were going to go down and see one of them and told yes that was fine. Now they never asked for a deposit which we were happy to give. We have bought vehicles of them previously. So we get a phone call over an hour later to say they are sold. Absolutely disgraceful definitely won't recommend now.
Traffic Mile Trans
Sep 30, 2021
Claire Horton
Apr 08, 2021
John Richardson
Jun 26, 2019
It's more than 10 years ago that I first dealt with Junction 6 Commercials, when I purchased a used 7 1/2 tonne curtain sided truck from them. Since then our company, Nova Express has purchased in excess of 20 vehicles from Junction 6, ranging from 7 1/2 tonne trucks through to 44 tonne artics and even trailers equipped with Moffett fork lifts. When we require a vehicle its Junction 6 we use, as their expertise is second to none, their ability to source our specific requirements puts them leagues ahead of the competition, be it independents or main dealers. Quite simply they're the best!
Gavin Keith
Nov 07, 2017